Unexpected Anomolies
“I don’t consider myself a street photographer. I’m too impatient and I don’t care about the rules.”
Russ Rowland won 1st Prize in our recent Four Seasons competition with an evocative winter scene for which judge Alex Snyder praised “the depth of field and use of the light source help[ing] bring balance to what could have easily been a chaotic scene.”
Keen to know more about the image, Russ’ route into street photography, and what makes him tick, we put some questions to him…
Russ, congratulations on winning our Four Seasons competition! Where do we find you in the world? Please introduce yourself in a few words…
Thank you, it’s a true honor. I’m a full-time working photographer living in New York City. In addition to my personal projects, I photograph events of all kinds, theater, portraits and more.
Can you tell us a little more about your winning shot and the circumstances behind it?
Wonderland 2 was taken during another NYC snowstorm around 6 am. I follow snowstorm forecasts obsessively and I go out any time of the day or night to make sure I catch it at its height. This image was taken in Central Park.
I believe it’s from your series Wonderland. What’s the concept behind that?
I love photographing the city in snowstorms (particularly at night) and Wonderland is a culling of my favorite results. The series does have parameters: usually an active storm, shot at night with flash, and while the images are sometimes scapes, they are mostly documenting the few souls who are out and about. Hopefully it showcases how different city life is during a storm and a sense of what it’s like to be in the middle of it.
Where did your interest in street photography come from? Was there a moment when it really started to click and become a passion for you?
I think if you have an interest in documenting human life (however that manifests itself for you), you will find yourself doing some kind off street photography at some point. But I don’t consider myself a street photographer. I’m too impatient and I don’t care about the rules.
Tell us a little bit about your photographic approach. Do you have particular techniques, processes, philosophies that you follow when out on the streets?
I keep it to snowstorms for the sake of this image. The things I love most about photographing in the wind, snow and raging mayhem of a storm is the challenge it presents to try and make coherent work, and also the collaboration of wet and wind and ice that create anomalies or compositional elements that are completely unexpected. The failures pile up along the way, but when it works, it’s exhilarating. I’m a big believer in failure as a necessary and welcome part of making work that succeeds.
You’re based in NYC – arguably the world’s most iconic city when it comes to street photography. Do you think that makes it easier or harder to make great work?
I’d say both. On the one hand, there is an endless parade of subject matter of all kinds. On the other hand, the city is so over photographed that it’s a challenge make something a little bit different.
Who or what inspires you, inside and outside of photography?
I grew up looking at paintings and they continue to directly and indirectly inspire ideas about light, composition, subject matter etc. A few favorites: Kerry James Marshall, Jenny Saville, Sargent, Pollock, Dali, Picasso, Hopper…
Do you have a particular favorite shot? Can you talk us through it?
No favorite because it’s always moving forward and so many kinds of photography interest me. But there have been photos that stopped me in my tracks and acted as personal paradigms for a way forward on a specific project.
What has been your best photographic experience to date?
I’ve had so many, that’s what keeps it interesting and the idea that it’s still to come.
What’s the best piece of advice you’d pass on to your younger self if you could?
Trust your instincts and don’t be afraid to follow your vision and obsessions no matter where they want you to go.
And finally, what will we see from you and what do you hope for in 2025?
You will see more of what interest me photographically. And I hope more travel.