Magali Chesnel
Life above still life
Beyond the fact that the salt marshes of Guérande are a fascinating and fragile wetland, their colors can provoke a whole range of emotions in viewers, who will be able to experience the psychological effects of the colors. When I am observing salt marshes from above, I think of a way to entice the viewer's eye into the picture, with some realism, while getting a slightly more abstract photo to be produced and how to use the powerful impact of color, in order to evoke strong feelings and make a lasting impression on someone’s mind. Before summer, this lightness and medium saturation dominating the salt marshes' color, create from above a low-key and motionless still life, while soothing the eye and provoking a deep calm feeling. https://www.magalichesnel.com/ https://www.instagram.com/magalichesnel/ https://www.facebook.com/magali.chesnel.artist/