Luca Tombolini
LS XI: Vistas Paradossales
In the LS XI: Vistas Paradossales series i wanted to play with Space, Time and our faulty perception of them. The series is made by Landscapes and Microscapes. The Landscapes are referring to an altered Time by the play of very long and multiple exposure, so creating an image that didn't exist within the realm of my perception. While the Microscapes are man made compositions of colour pigments and solvents on a plastic sheet, later scanned with a very high resolution drum scanner. With the help of it i went searching into those tiny composition for the same plays of colour and shapes i'm normally looking after in a landscape, hence investigating the repetitiveness of the same patterns from the very small to the very big. In particular, the landscapes shots, are taken in different times between the sunset and the noon of the next day. Combining long and multiple exposures on film, especially on large format film, proved to be very difficult to master technically as any error at any stage would have wasted the film. In fact the whole series grew on this trials and errors and i had to say goodbye to many shots which i liked, either because of mispositioning of an element or because of miscalculation of the whole exposure. While the Microscapes were created during the last session of experiments with the "pigments and solvents" technique in my studio in Milan in late 2018. It took me almost one year of experiments to pin down few rules that granted a vaguely repetitive result out of the creative chaos created by dropping colour pigments into solvent agents laying on a plastic sheet. Finally, while watching the series growing, i had the feeling that looking with the scanner into that micro Space was like looking into the Cosmos with a powerful telescope; hence rhyming with the idea of patterns repetitiveness across creation.