Jackson Patterson
Recollected Memories
The annihilation of space and time through the advent of photography in the mid nineteenth century transformed American life. We are in the midst of a furthering of that annihilation. Through photomontage I am exploring the narrative that emerges between subject, space and time. The work reflects various photographs that I have taken merged with others from my family’s albums. I find myself inspired by the stories that come in to focus when we collocate the medium of photography with 21st century technological practices, the cultural influence of our country’s migration west, and the personal history of family. Each blended piece possesses its own original story, in addition to insights about photography, representation, fabrication, and visual language. In creating this project while looking through the lens of my family’s histories and biases I have found that these stories extend beyond my own journey. They exist throughout the west into our country’s cultural identity. They are stories of perseverance, pride, struggle, life and death. They are human stories intertwined in a majestic landscape.