Betty Manousos
The Ocean of Plastics
My vision of an eco-conscious world is about changing our attitudes in a way that helps the environment around us. Arguably plastic pollution is a global problem and one of the most crucial environmental threat that we face today. Plastics are littering our cities and eventually ending up in the ocean. Over time, sunlight, wind,and salt break them down into small fragments, micro-plastics. Sadly, fish eat plastic and/or can get tangled up in plastic waste contributing to health problems in humans and marine life. It\'s enough to make you cry over your grilled fish. All countries should consider plans and strategies to phase out non-biodegradable pollutants by recycling of plastic waste items and also to express their commitment. Their role is critical. They must develop measures to phase the harmful effects of the plastic pollution on the environment. With this photography project I wanted to help create awareness about this serious issue, and inspire people to take action. It always surprises me how we lost our connection to nature and our natural surroundings. I was recently on a boat trip through the Aegean Sea. It was so sad to see a fish trapped inside a plastic bag. That hurt me a lot... I am working hard to reach my goal. To stop plastic pollution.