Beautiful Imperfections
The Human Body Editors’ Pick
“The body is the outermost layer of the mind.” – David Mitchell
Following Roger Ballen’s selection of winning images for our theme ‘THE HUMAN BODY’, this compilation of 20 images, selected by the Life Framer editors represents some of the other talented photographers whose work struck us and left a mark. Some are more literal representations of the theme, and others are more abstract, but each one is a stunning image worthy of exposure and attention.
These are intended to be a conversation starter… so feel free to join the discussion on our social networks.
Banner image courtesy of Joachim Hildebrand.
www.joachim-hildebrand.de and Instagram: @joachim_hildebrand
Image and text courtesy of Ellen Smeets from her series Happiness is a Warm Scalpel.
“When an ugly baby was born from a fine looking couple, the father got suspicious. He found out that the beauty of his wife was the result of a 75,000 euro plastic surgery procedure. He filed a lawsuit against her on the basis of fraud and won 90,000 euro in damages. Our visual society has a major impact on the way we perceive the world and how we see ourselves. The media is jam-packed with idealized images that gradually become a benchmark of the ordinary. This questions the complex relationships between the functioning of the body on the one hand and luxurious alternations to that body on the other. At the core of my research are both the perverse nature of the possibilities and extensive fields of applications available in the medical market on a global context. I am looking at the grey areas between the luxurious and necessary of these physical interventions. By using metaphors, staged photographs and atmospheric images, I’m trying to construct a non-narrative visual story. I’m interested in creating a new world in which the viewer can link the images to each other. The photographs therefore can transcend the literal fidelity and create a surrogate world. The ability of images to fade the border between reality and fiction is part of the research”.
Image courtesy of Alex Farfuri from her series Frishman Beach.
www.alexfarfuri.com and Instagram: @alexfarfuri
Image courtesy of Giuseppe Cardoni.
Image courtesy of Al Lapkovsky
www.begemotfoto.com and Instagram: @begemotfoto
Image and text courtesy of Xiaochuan Liu.
“This series of self-portraits is a narration of finding beauty and grace in the complexities of being human. Through various studio and outdoor shooting techniques the images achieve great emotional nuance such as the vague and abstract, the dramatic and painful.”
www.lucyxiaochuanliu.weebly.com and Instagram: @lucy.xiaochuan.liu
Image and text courtesy of Alice Thomas. In Two Years my Body Changed from her series Dos à Nu
“This series aims at celebrating the diversity of bodies. It depicts how people see and feel within their body. Each picture has a quotation which is the first thing the model said when he or she saw his or her picture. Most of the time the models comment with humour and try to keep a distance from their image. The project’s title is a combination of two French expressions – “dos nu” means “naked back” and “se mettre nu” means “lay yourself bare”. This project is composed of more than twenty pictures of bodies in black and white. Each person accepted to show a vulnerable side of themselves – the part they never see. They are back to us and powerless.”
www.lilimaginaire.com and Instagram: @lilimaginaire.photos
Image and text courtesy of Björn Nilsson.
“It started by chance when I test shot my wife and realised how how her body had changed over time. I started experimenting on my own body and loved how when we get older we get softer, and how the skin gets destroyed over time. The project isn’t yet complete and I guess it never will be”.
www.fodor13.wixsite.com/fodor13 and Instagram: @fodor13
Image and text courtesy of Katarzyna Heeringa.
“I’m passionate about documenting the human body. I hope my images challenge traditional ideas about beauty – being inviting and defiant simultaneously.”
www.katarzynaheeringa.nl and Instagram: @katarzynakasia
Image and text courtesy of Rory King from his series Burnt Fingers, Broken Nose.
“These self portraits were taken in attempt to analyse and recalibrate the perception of my physical body during an abiding psychological battle within my own mind”.
www.roryking.net and Instagram: @kingroary
Image courtesy of Markus Wimmer. BITCHFIGHT from his series Nature Morte.
Jungle: Image and text courtesy of Cletus Nelson Nwadike.
“This series is on workers in my country. In Nigeria we say that those who do not work hard should not eat. For two years now I have been meeting and photographing ten young people that work mostly as laborers. I know them and they trust me. The more I get to know them the more I see that we have in common. Many of them have left school to work as laborers because their parents could not afford to pay for their school fees. My father and grandfather died too working hard. My father had a stroke and my grandfather died in the army”.