A Color Reaction



Following Thomas Jackson’s selection of winning images for our recent Colors competition, this compilation of 20 images represents some of the other talented photographers whose work struck us and left a mark. Each a stunning image worthy of exposure and attention…

When selecting for editor’s picks we’re always searching for those striking photographs that make for an unforgettable single image, whether from a broader series or not. We enjoy the accompanying text some photographers submit with their images, and while not always necessary it can be relevant when understanding the work in full context.

These are intended to be a conversation starter… so feel free to join the discussion on our social networks.


The viewer is enticed to use their senses beyond vision to explore this image and its complex themes. Movement and emotion seem to become one through the use of color and shape. The photographer illustrates how photography is the ideal medium for such subject matter, as each moment is frozen and realized. A thought-provoking concept, executed as an evocative photograph. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – From the series Chromatic Kinetics. Inspired by Loie Fuller’s serpentine dance, BI created this series for a commissioned editorial. In it I explore movement as a pictorial motif, at the edge of abstraction. Bodies in movement, sculpted by light and color, become rhythm and expression of form. In the footsteps of Loie Fuller and abstract expressionism, I use light and the photographic medium, without post-production, to make visible the dynamic projection in space.


A haunting scene greets the viewer’s gaze, where the foggy horizon brings more of a sense of mystery than clarity to this waterscape. Blue and grey tones set a cold and uncertain atmosphere, as the symmetry is almost precise, only the different yacht masts adding a minor element of unbalance to the image while also giving the photograph its authentic quality. A beautifully captured scene emphasising the mood of a misty coast. – LIFE FRAMER


This street shot is almost timeless, the shopfront both unique and pleasant. Pattern weaves its way throughout the image – from the cobbled footpath to the linear shop shutters and textured green wall. This picture-perfect scene could easily be a postcard or part of a wider series on quirky shop fronts, the latter making for a fascinating way to document culture. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – The green butcher shop.


An icey vortex instantly grabs the viewer’s attention as multiple tones of white and blue whirl into shape and shadow from each edge of the frame. For an image with such a simple color palette and subject matter, it is full of depth, detail and many contradicting perspectives, allowing for the scene to become almost abstract the longer it is observed. A sublime image. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Ice Cave Dig Out.


The scene conjures up a sense of uplifting warmth and joy, encouraging the viewer to consider the juxtaposition of choosing such bright colors and flowers in full bloom to adorn a festival celebrating the dead. The photographer’s choice of crop and focus allows pattern to fill the frame; from the bunches of round flower heads to the neatly plaited hair of the women and their complimenting style of apparel. A lucious yet calming image. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Collecting yellow cempasuchil flowers for the Celebración de día de Muertos in Oaxaca.


The angle of this scene instantly allows the image to move from portrait to abstract, intriguing the curiosity of the viewer as they observe each element individually. The harsh contrast of the elaborate, colorful dresses against the marked grey street seems harsh and out of place. Whether the photograph is capturing everyday life of some cultural tradition, the daily routine of a specific community, or behind the scenes of a costume drama, the aesthetic is unique and engaging. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Curves and lines.


An idyllic countryside scene welcomes the viewer’s gaze, with only the forked lightning dramatically interrupting an otherwise peaceful moment. The dark, rolling skies emphasize the rich colors of red poppies and green grass making the scene even more enticing despite the overhead storm. A perfectly timed image, reminding the viewer of the simplicity of beauty. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Lightning in spring, Drémil-Lafage, Midi-Pyrenees, France.


A spaghetti of light and movement dominates this urban scene. The viewer might be tempted to figure out all the routes within this intersection but its complex appearance is a deterrent, as the photographer has already noted. The fascination to photograph this human-made structure of transport and convenience is easy to understand, as vehicles navigate seamlessly with speed amongst impressive mountains looming on every side. A concrete depiction of urban development awkwardly interrupting an ancient, natural landscape. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Guiyang, China. The most complex intersection I’ve ever seen.


The photographer’s admiration and respect for this environment is apparent as they move beyond a perfect exposure to portray the feeling of the landscape. Through the misty, pale color palette the viewer is invited to employ all their senses to feel their own presence within the scene. Soft and subtle, this is a comforting document of an untouched (for now) landscape. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Rhine forest at dawn. I created this small series of landscapes at dawn in the Rhine floodplain forest near Strasbourg (France), – one of the most beautiful lowland forests in Europe – which stretches along the Rhine. There was a time not long ago when, among other companions, I had an old, temperamental Leica M8 camera that interpreted the world as it pleased, generating unpredictable files much like these images.


The image presents a serene view of subtle tone, shape and symmetry. The tree takes center point as if becoming a physical representation of the hope mentioned in the accompanying text. With the photographer’s joy of welcoming the new phase of the year, there is a sense of expectation rising up through the image. A photograph with a dreamlike haze. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Inspired by the bright northern sun which never leaves the skies from April to September. White Nordic days and nights are magical. They bring peace, new ideas, but most importantly new hopes for the future as bright as it can be.


Although minimal, this white and grey scene is filled with many patterns that punctuate the snowscape – potentially created from years of erosion and ice calving, some are full of depth and shadows emphasizing their existence. The photographer exposes and frames the scene for maximum effect of the detail within it. Split equally between water and ice, this image is aesthetically pleasing from foreground to background. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Fjallsárlón Glacier Lagoon, Iceland.


The image is reminiscent of a 1970s album cover artwork, with placid colors and flat tones – almost like a painting. After consideration, this ‘dream maker’ could just as easily be interpreted as the ‘nightmare maker’ with a faceless figure standing still behind the reactionless, inflatable flowers – emotion and atmosphere almost difficult to define. A perfectly timed portrait of an uneventful yet engaging scene. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – The Dream Maker.


Color and content contradict one another within this busy vibrant scene, as the rundown appearance of the building and its facilities are immediately overwhelmed by a bright and enticing color scheme. Void of people, the image allows the viewer to take in every small aspect of the inanimate scene – from loose wires to cracked paint and idle pots. The photographer’s eye for story is apparent through this detailed composition. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Hotel, Pushkar, Rajasthan, India.


This faceless portrait gives the viewer an opportunity to insert themselves directly into the scene, and attempt to imagine what the couple are seeing and feeling as they casually gaze across this nighttime cityscape. There is an added edge of anticipation to the scene, where elements are illuminated in parts by the vibrant orange and red hues of an electric light. A well-balanced image of synthetic light and night sky. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Cambodia.


The photographer’s accompanying text gives a lot of context and appreciation to their subject matter – one that is commonly studied for relatable reasons, as flowers appear to have a fleeting but effortless attempt at life. Simple in existence they manage to generate so much joy and hope for people. Here they are captured in minute detail, both in and out of focus, the unknown light source bringing out the vibrancy of color, as if emphasizing the almost spiritualistic qualities enjoyed by so many. An uncomplicated yet delicate and detailed picture. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – The series And I Gave You Flowers, distinguished by its vibrant palette compared to most of my other projects, emerged in early 2024 amidst a personally challenging period of illness. This unforeseen circumstance necessitated intensive medical treatment, prompting a shift in my focus and perspectives on life. Confronted with diminished energy and mobility, I embarked on a journey to rediscover and redefine the rhythms of my daily existence. In the midst of the turbulence of fear and uncertainty, photography assumed the role of a beacon of hope, embodying resilience and beauty in adversity. It served as a medium through which I explored both the ordinary and extraordinary moments that unfolded amid my challenges.

As I recently developed a severe obsession with flowers, I’ve been placing them all over my home to literally bring more color into my life. Since I’ve been spending most of my time at home this year, it was only logical that flowers became the subject of my next photo series. The images were created in the familiar setting of my apartment in Berlin, utilizing fiber optic lights and other available light sources. Additionally, I employed creative tools such as a kaleidoscope filter for some of the images in this series.

‘And I Gave You Flowers’ celebrates the colorful and transient beauty of flowers and other plants, inviting viewers on a journey through an abstract kaleidoscope of botanical wonder where colors dance and shapes intertwine, evoking emotions beyond words. Soft focus and ethereal lighting imbue each composition with an otherworldly glow, blurring the boundaries between reality and dreams.

Circumstances changed dramatically for me, but photography remains an indispensable constant in my life. The creation process of this series served as a soothing distraction from overly serious thoughts, alongside the forced observation and interpretation of myself and my surroundings. This duality in the creative process of my new photo series enabled me to question things and conditions more deeply for which I had no words or clear points of reference.

Through dreamlike abstraction, color, and light, this series transcends mere visual representation to stir imaginations, and inspire a deeper connection with the floral tapestry that surrounds us. May these images serve as a reminder to pause, breathe, and behold the breathtaking beauty that blooms in every corner of our wondrous world.


An intriguing scene with an evocative title, both of which slowly peak the viewer’s interest. The photographer carefully plays with texture and tone, pairing the elements and colors of the natural landscape with the synthetic materials and metallic shades of the solo subject. The image is effortless, staged without being overdetailed or over-posed. A truly enjoyable photograph to observe. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – From the series My Heart is a Dark Forest.


Although a simple composition this street shot is a detailed depiction full of irony, historic influence and cultural reference. Almost monochrome, the sleeves of the ‘real life’ bike rider bring a sense of humour along with their mirroring of the street art – although they are seemingly unaware of this brief occurrence. A perfectly timed composition, encouraging the viewer to spend time with the scene and take in all aspects. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Time Flies, Penang, Malaysia.


Reflection and scale dominate this ant’s-eye-view of surrounding glass and concrete structures; it’s interesting to note how simply changing perspective on daily commutes or small outings can make all the difference when capturing street and city scenes. Uniform and symmetrical, this a well framed scene, full of sky blues and glass greens. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – Urban Spaceship San Francisco.


Although potentially ordinary and routine to the subject, the photographer captures a poetic moment, as if an elegant dance performance was unfolding before them. Shards of light and shadow are cast gracefully across the curtains of netting, creating a dramatic backdrop for this woman’s task. The scene would sit easily within a wider documentary series as much as it can be admired as a standalone image. – LIFE FRAMER

Photographer statement – A woman repairing their yellow fish net in the intimacy of her house in central Vietnam.


A burst of gold and orange engulfs the scene, perfectly balanced between cloudless sky and a smooth water surface. There is an unrealistic, or perhaps hyperreal aspect to the scene, as if it is a conjured vision rather than a captured view, elevating the sense of wonder and awe. An impactful seascape, devoid of typical blues and greys, as if allowing the viewer to experience the full impact of sunlight. – LIFE FRAMER

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