This photographic series, by Wiktoria Wojciechowska, is a symbolic attempt of connecting a human being with his place of living. In times when distance is no longer a barrier and when settling down and identifying with space is getting harder. Looking out through their windows, the figures are pensive and lonesome. Their bodies reflected in the window’s surface and create with the surrounding space a natural synthesis of the pseudo-images and real sceneries. The apparent presence, free-style conception voluntarily putting aside our in-depth roots and the unsuccessful attempts to “dwelling” in a different area, these are the characteristics of contemporary nomadism. Despite the compulsion to constantly seek a “better” place, the need for taming the space is not willing to disappear. Images of dream houses, houses from memories, typical – as on child’s drawing they construct a visual archetype of an asylum. Pictures of people and suburban houses compile an image of longing for stability, safety and owning your own place. © All photos courtesy of Wiktoria WojciechowskaWiktoria Wojciechowska
Featured photographerOwn Place
Wiktoria Wojciechowska