Postcards from the Lived-In World


Civilization Editors’ Pick

“We see not only with our eyes but with all that we are and all that our culture is” – Dorothea Lange

Banner image and text courtesy of Leonardo Magrelli.

“Having just been included among the countries of Trump’s Muslim Ban, I feel it worth showing Iran under a different, less propagandistic lens. The aim of my work is to try to create discourse around the landscape of this largely unknown country”.


Following Simon Norfolk’s selection of winning images for our theme ‘CIVILIZATION’, this compilation of 20 images, selected by the Life Framer editors represents some of the other talented photographers whose work struck us and left a mark. Some are more literal representations of the theme, and others are more abstract, but each one is a stunning image worthy of exposure and attention.

These are intended to be a conversation starter… so feel free to join the discussion on our social networks.

Image courtesy of Luka Lukasiak.

“Hotel in Kathmandu Valley after an earthquake”

www.lukalukasiak.com and Instagram: @lugreatwizard

Image courtesy of Koen Deschepper.

www.flickr.com/photos/koen_deschepper and Instagram: @deschepperkoen

Image courtesy of Christopher Porter.

www.christopherporterphotography.com and Instagram: @porterphotography33

Image courtesy of Olga de la Iglesia.

“When I traveled to Senegal I could not believe the strong emotional reaction I had when I started seeing so many colors. And so I asked myself “why is it that Senegalese people use colors with such exaltation?” Seeing Senegal every day felt like looking inside my own being”

www.olgadelaiglesia.net and Instagram: @olgadelaiglesia

Image courtesy of Luca Baldini from his series ‘Tempi di Plastica (Plastic Times)’.

“In this project I document my daily experience of a strong sense of uncertainty typical of Generation-Y – the so-called ‘millennials’ – who are growing up in an ambiguous paradox between vintage trends and the infinite potential of the digital world”

Instagram: @lesediediplastica

Image courtesy of Yann Macharez.

“It was early in the morning the sun was just rising behind the mountains. I heard that most of the fishermen were coming back from a long week of fishing. I tried my chance and walked for hours around the coast to find the spot. Hundreds of people were waiting in a vibrant impatience. Quiet, seated over the informal harbor, this young man was contemplating the agitation. Like a mirror of my inner-self observing life happening”

www.today-project.com and Instagram: @yannmacherez

Image courtesy of Simon O’Dwyer.

www.simonodwyer.photoshelter.com and Instagram: @simonwodwyer

Image courtesy of Kevin Casey.

“I have been photographing and filming the inner workings, remains and archives of the old Pilkingtons Glass HQ in Alexandra Business Park in St Helens, Merseyside. The site is a vast complex structure filled with historical rooms, objects and varied artefacts of bygone eras. I have undertaken a role at the site as a night watchman, which gives me an understanding and behind the scenes viewpoint of operations – meeting staff and clients on a regular basis and also gaining access to private locations behind locked doors”

www.lensbasedmedia.org and Instagram: @lbm6122

Image courtesy of Davies Zambotti.

www.davieszambotti.weebly.com and Instagram: @davies_zambotti

Image courtesy of Jann Averwerser.

www.jannaverwerser.com and Instagram: @jannaverwerser

Image courtesy of Filippo Poli.

“I went to the Milan Expo 2015 during the dismantling. The site was like a post-atomic landscape – the metal devouring machines and the giant saws suddenly interrupting the unnatural silence. Countries were committed to leaving the plot as they received it but unfortunately many buildings are being destroyed and not dismantled as promised. This photographic series aims to raise some questions not only on architecture but also on our society and civilization”

www.filippopoli.com and Instagram: @filippo.poli

Image courtesy of Michalis Poulas.

“This image is from a series taken on the island of Crete between May 2014 and May 2017. The dominant role is played by the surrounding sea which defines the limits of how much man can change the landscape. The protagonists of the story are my friends and family members as well as people I approached along the way. The images are not a strict document rather they depict a place that is defined by explicit morphological characteristics though it remains conceptually and geographically boundless”


Image courtesy of Ximena Echague.

www.ximenaechague.com and Instagram: @ximena_echague

Image courtesy of Chris McCann.

“The theme of my work revolves around the concept of community in its most abstract sense. I’m deeply fascinated by the hidden structures all around us that support our civilization”

www.chrismccann.com and Instagram: @chris.r.mccann

Image courtesy of Josefina Santos.

“I left Colombia when I was 18 years old and I’ve been living in Brooklyn NY for almost a decade. With time I’ve come to realize that deciding to go back and dive into my mothers past has been a quest for my own identity and a search for my home country of Colombia”

www.josefinasantos.com and Instagram: @josefinasantos

Image courtesy of Veronica Pinelli.

“This image is from a place called Kolmanskop – a ghost town in the Namib desert in Southern Africa”

www.veronicapinelli.com and Instagram: @veronicapinelli

Image courtesy of Melissa Barcelo.

“The theme of my work revolves around the concept of community in its most abstract sense. I’m deeply fascinated by the hidden structures all around us that support our civilization”

Instagram: @melissa.barcelo

Image courtesy of Vassilis Triantis.

“This image was taken from my series at the FERMI laboratory outside Chicago on a Saturday morning. The desolation observed in the buildings and the surrounding property was strongly reminiscent of the growing disbelief towards science and the escapade towards mainstream dogmas presented as pseudoscience. That idea, together with the cuts in funding for scientific research, is jeopardising scientific progress, and threatening to leave a scientific hub to rust away”


Image courtesy of Tommaso Altamura.

www.tommasoaltamura.it and Instagram: @tommi_con_la_i

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